The 2014 Knit & Crochet Show: Manchester, NH

As promised, here are some scenes from my first two days at the knit & crochet show here in Manchester! This year my friend Jennifer Ryan ( led the way with the crocheted yarn bombing, both inside and outside the hotel where the conference is being held. We are having a wonderful time meeting old friends and making new ones. The people are by far the best part of this experience. Anyway, enough talk and on to the photos!

CGOA is officially 20 years old!


Indoor yarn bombing...with one of my samples!  Now why didn't I think of doing this before?







Can you find the bird nest and crocheted eggs?



Becky found a new crocheted friend:  Olaf!




This is probably the only snake I can possibly tolerate!


Yes...even the ladies room was yarn bombed!


This amazingly beautiful crocheted anniversary cake designed by my dear friend and designer Carlotta Craig is both calorie free with lots of fiber!  : )


Terri, Becky & Hannah try making Red Heart Yarns free "make and take" at the Crocheville booth...




My friends Tony & Randy Caviliere beside Randy's work with Red Heart's reflective yarn.  This photo was with existing light, and the one below was taken with flash...


Why is Becky so happy about these yarn colors???  Look at the photo below:


My first chance to meet Mary Beth Temple, author of Curvy Girl Crochet and many other wondeful crochet books!


Meeting Anita from Dallas, Texas!  Folks are from all over the U.S. at this conference and are the best!


 Even the doggies who sit still long enough get yarn bombed in Manchester this year!